Wednesday, December 31, 2008

no turning back

[lytton ave]

here we go into 
the future (as if we didn't 
do that every day). farewell, 

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

tunes and wheels

[university ave at kipling st]

december pastiche at 
the apple store downtown

Monday, December 29, 2008

late december autumn

[hamilton ave between bryant & ramona]

believe it or not, this is not another 
photo from the archives: this is city hall 
on the 29th of december. 
not exactly a winter wonderland, is it?

Sunday, December 28, 2008

guess how many millions

[near downtown]

forgive me: i'm experiencing something 
of a new-photo drought; here's one from 
the archives, taken in early october:
a fairly typical palo alto house
(i love the shapes and delicate colors on this one)

Saturday, December 27, 2008


[palo alto caltrain station]

they're no match for 
the catbus, sure, but
they do have a certain 
feline quality, i think

Friday, December 26, 2008


[palo alto caltrain station]

fair california, i have
not abandoned you. i'm
coming home soon.

Thursday, December 25, 2008


[palo alto caltrain station]

three days before christmas
on the way to the airport
on the way to the other coast
to spend the days with family

happy holidays & happy skywatching!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

silent night

"And the light shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not." [John 1:5]

Y es hermosa la luna solitaria, 
la blanca luna en la estrellada noche 
negra cual la abundosa cabellera 
negra del nazareno. Blanca luna 
como el cuerpo del Hombre en cruz, espejo 
del sol de vida, del que nunca muere. 
Los rayos, Maestro, de tu suave lumbre 
nos guían en la noche de este mundo 
ungiéndonos con la esperanza recia 
de un día eterno. Noche cariñosa, 
¡oh noche, madre de los blandos sueños, 
madre de la esperanza, dulce Noche, 
noche oscura del alma, eres nodriza 
de la esperanza en Cristo salvador! 

[Miguel de Unamuno, El Cristo de Velázquez]

Wherever you may be in the world, I send you warm wishes for a very merry Christmas.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

protected by borges

[university ave]

i'm not quite sure what a security system 
by borges might entail: 
several circular walls, perhaps, 
or a series of forking paths 
that must be navigated before the entrance? 

Monday, December 22, 2008

red and green

[middlefield rd, redwood city]

california flora, 
nonchalantly dressed up for christmas
(okay, okay, so this is redwood city
not palo alto. give me a break, please? 
it's pretty close. and 

Sunday, December 21, 2008


[hamilton ave at ramona st]

staying up way past delirium
cleaning the floors
wandering outdoors
overdosing on podcasts
packing my bags...

Saturday, December 20, 2008

o christmas tree

[inside the university art annex, hamilton ave at ramona st]

alternatives (or additions) to the
traditional living breathing greenery
on display at this artsy gift shop

Friday, December 19, 2008

glub glub

[bike/pedestrian underpass, california ave]

under the train tracks,
under the sea...

Thursday, December 18, 2008

magic trick

[alvarado row, stanford]

what's this? the sky—
it's vanished! where did it go?

i'll bet we can find it at skywatch...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

going nowhere

[webster st at coleridge ave]

look around
no not that way
turn around
and on

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


[university ave]

sometimes you just can't not
stop to take a picture

Monday, December 15, 2008

it was cold today

[stanford ave in august]

here's a reminder of warmth

Sunday, December 14, 2008

lights, please

[university ave at ramona st]

a cold, rainy, gloomy,
kind of day was today
(not when i took this photo,
but it fits the mood)

Saturday, December 13, 2008

be alert

[webster st]

Friday, December 12, 2008


[memorial church, stanford]

façade with a halo of sunlight

Thursday, December 11, 2008

twilight cloaked in conifers

[webster st at hamilton ave]

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

look east

[view from hoover tower, stanford]

in the foreground, stanford football stadium; beyond,
a thin strip of the san francisco bay. cross
the dumbarton bridge into the east bay hills, and
on into the horizon...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

fading season

[main quad, stanford]

getting chilly around here,
dropped below forty degrees fahrenheit
last night (that's cold for around here).
most trees are bare by now (except
the evergreens, of course); this one still had most
of its leaves just a couple of weeks ago.

Monday, December 8, 2008

summer color on a winter day

[middlefield rd]

spotted on an aimless and
disillusioned wandering
in late november

Sunday, December 7, 2008

ice cubes

[gates bldg reflected on hewlett bldg, stanford]

normally at this time of year, i would
use "ice cubes" to refer to the weather
somehow. but it's not quite that cold here.
just an aesthetic reminiscence in this
building (do you sense a theme in the names
on this part of campus?)

Saturday, December 6, 2008

larger than a garden gnome

[melville ave near alma st]

i don't know anything about this
sculpture, and i am especially
in the dark as to why it includes what
appears to be a humanoid figure without
a head. but the fact that someone has this
giant piece of metal in their front yard made it
photoworthy enough for me.

Friday, December 5, 2008

sticks and stones

[main quad, stanford]

scarlet foliage glowing
on an autumn morning

Thursday, December 4, 2008

sail away

[webster st at coleridge ave]

the weather's nice,
the surface calm and smooth:
good day for a skywatching voyage!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

meet me on the roof

[rooftop of green library viewed from hoover tower, stanford]

last week of classes: need a
break from studying? tiptoe
away from your carrel hidden
in the corner, slip between the
shelves past vonnegut, vollmer,
vizenor, vidal, then glide down
the aisle between udall through
updike and hemingway through
hinton, steinbeck through
stowe and faulkner through
fitzgerald, and sail up the spiral
staircase into the gazebo crown, out
through liquid french windows and a-
light on the sundeck. i'll be

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


[melville ave near alma st]

sometimes i wish i lived in
a bigger city, busier, more noise
and bustle going on around
me, but then again
ensembles like this can be
nice company, too

Monday, December 1, 2008

look a-round (it's a glorious place, this)

[stanford campus and santa cruz mountains as seen from hoover tower]

whoops, i blew it and forgot
to register in time for
december theme day. (can you believe
it's december already??) so here's
another unofficial theme-day post.

this month's theme is circles/spheres.

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants

Sunday, November 30, 2008

good news

[bryant st at embarcadero]

i haven't, as i had
feared, completely forgotten how
to ride a bike. (and
lucky for me, this town's pretty
bike-friendly, too.)

Saturday, November 29, 2008

round the corner

[webster st (obviously) at coleridge ave]

pause briefly to reflect
on the road you have traveled, feel
the solid ground beneath you, check
for opposing traffic, slowly round
the corner onto a
new road, in a
new direction, and
move on.

Friday, November 28, 2008

bored with clear skies yet?

[main quad looking toward hoover tower, stanford]

if you have been here
before, you will have noticed that
form the normal backdrop. well,
look closely today and
you'll find a spot. a spot
with wings.

visit skywatch and you'll find
a variety of views to
cure the boring-blank-sky blues
(not that i'm complaining!)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

for this i am thankful

[somewhere above stanford ave, i believe]

'i think i'll always feel at
home under the trees,' i told him, and
he smiled. it's true, though i only
recently discovered it. i grew
up surrounded by greenery, beneath
a canopy alive with whispering leaves and
chattering birds, wistful avian songs my
soundtrack, glittering fireflies illuminating black
foliage in syncopated rhythm while i try to keep
track, keep
up with the universal symphony, keep
an eye on the conductor.

the trees they are part
of me, their roots are
my roots and so how joyous to live
once more in their embrace.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

not-so-friendly rivalry

[white plaza, stanford]

another scene from big game week: red
(or shall we say cardinal) dye
colors several campus fountains, and
here a poor cal teddy bear finds
himself in a fatal run-in with "the claw"

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

not a secret rivalry

[old union, stanford]

finally took the campus tour last
friday, day before the big game. banners
all over campus emblazoned with the
general sentiment of stanford football
fans. (i don't even know who won.)

Monday, November 24, 2008

symbols of a bygone era?

[by green library, stanford]

i stop to wonder why
someone has graced the pavement with
an endearing chalk rendition of
i think it doesn't really
matter, i smile, take a
picture, and walk on

Sunday, November 23, 2008

fantastical creatures underfoot

[by green library, stanford]

about a month ago i found
myself in curious company
in an alley behind
the library (pikachu
was nearby. anybody
recognize this guy?)

Saturday, November 22, 2008


[webster st near hamilton ave]

if you want to park your
car in downtown palo alto, you
could find yourself navigating a
rainbow of purple, lime,
blue, coral (those are the colors i've
spotted so far. who knows but
that right around the corner i might
find goldenrod or aquamarine
or tangerine!)

Friday, November 21, 2008

morning moon

[university ave & mitchell ln]

clear skies in
november (can it really be
almost winter?) and
a distant lunar
fingerprint on the canvas

keep watching the skies!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

stay a while

[cowper inn bed & breakfast, cowper st at forest ave]

over a century old, elegant
craftsman style, exuding
cabin-in-the-woods and yet just
around the corner from
our bustling little downtown
(anyone want to come visit?)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

flora mixta

[webster st]

cactus. surrounded by
pine needles. welcome to

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

not your typical road sign

[somewhere along stanford ave in august]

preserving greenery
protecting new growth
promoting absurdity

Monday, November 17, 2008

is this place real?

[main quad, stanford]

i mentioned to a colleague that it is sort of
funny that i ended up at a university again
just when i thought that i would take a
break from that world, not set foot on
a college campus for at least a few
years. his reply: "sure, but stanford is
more like a country club than a university!" i mean,
just look at it.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

this is your captain speaking

[center for turbulence research, stanford university]

we're coming up on
some bumpy air; please return
to your seats and keep your
seatbelts fastened

Saturday, November 15, 2008

what color was your day?

[park blvd, i think]

the weather today was
gorgeous, sunny and eighty
degrees in november. golden saturday
morning overflowing with
brightness, afternoon turning sour
lemon. golden. yellow.

Friday, November 14, 2008


[alma st over university ave]

travel a world of celestial
vistas: flights now departing
from the skywatch portal

Thursday, November 13, 2008

despite the warnings...

[palm drive, stanford]

...i've decided to get a bike.

one too many instances of
dissonance between mine and
the shuttle's schedules, and
the time has come. i hope
that what they say about never
forgetting how to ride a bike is
true (it's been at least a decade
and a half).